Saturday, April 27, 2013

House/yard painting

Digital painting of a photo of a house. I'm really going for displaying depth here, and I'm playing with colors quite a bit. Still a work in progress.
Digital. Started in January, still working on it now (April) 2013.

Color test

Color test of a sketch I've done on some aquaboard. I'll be painting the final in acrylic.
The brushwork here is so bad it's almost embarrassing. But that's okay, I guess, considering it's the first time I've painted in a week & it's just a color comp.
Digital colors/Traditional sketch. April 2013.

figure in charcoal

Live figure drawing from around August/September 2012. This was done in about an hour, I believe, in charcoal, red conte crayon, and white conte crayon.

color study

I don't like this one as much--the arm on our left looks so goofy. Anyway, this was created at the same time as the figure painting. It's a study of a painting by someone or another.. I can't remember who.
Traditional. August 2012.

figure painting

Can't believe I haven't posted this yet! This is a figure painting from August 2012. It was done in 2 hours in acrylic paints. It was the first figure painting I've ever done (although I've done numerous figure drawings outside of this).
Traditional. August 2012.

Monday, April 22, 2013

quick painting from snake doodle

Sketch Dump

Pretty sure I made his butt too big.

Slowly getting better with environments.
Sorry for the awful quality photos. I didn't think it was necessary to get really good shots/scans since these are just sketches.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spectrum Shampoo Magazine Ads

Some quick illustration-type things for a school project. We were assigned to create an advertising company and a project. Different people had different jobs in the group. I was the art director (or one of them) and I created some magazine ads along with the logo (with the help of the rest of my group!).
Digital illustrations. February (?) 2013.

Destiny fan art

This will never be completed. It was done in anticipation of the game that Bungie is creating, called Destiny. However, since I painted it, I've noticed a bunch of problems with the design. So, I started to repaint some of it. I highly doubt I'll finish repainting it, however; I need to focus on traditional art more.
Digital painting. March 2013.

Battle between Eowyn & The Witch-King of Angmar WIP

Super-duper rough thumbnail. I'm repainting the battle between Eowyn & The Witch-King of Angmar. and will probably just use this as a guide for an acrylic painting later on. I'm struggling with the color choices (obviously they aren't shown here) but I'm slooowly making progress..
Digital painting. March/April 2013.

An Old Book Cover

For a project in my Graphic Design class last year (2012). We were asked to redesign a book cover for our favorite book. I definitely could have done better on this, but at the time I only had a couple of months' experience with digital painting and I learned a lot from it.
Digital painting. November (?) 2012.

Watercolor Halfling

Portrait of a D&D character I created for my D&D club. I never used her, but here you go anyway.
She's a halfling bard, level 4. Cora Underhill.
Watercolor painting. Watercolor + sepia Micron pen. January 2013.
WARNING: May be NSFW (Figure Painting)

Portrait Practice 2

Portrait of a person. Original Photo. Done as both practice for painting and portraits.
January 2013.

The Hobbit

Portrait of Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins. Based off of the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey posters.
This was done as both portrait and painting practice. Finished January 2013.